When to Invest in Design

Design is an investment for a reason. Rooted in strategy and creativity that is driven by what, why and who, the process of design is backed by time and a skillset. This in-depth one-on-one process comes with a hefty price tag that can be really f***ing daunting. Sometimes I can feel as my potential client’s heart skips a beat when I give a price, and guys, I totally get it. I’m not about to convince you to spend money when your business isn’t ready for it, I want to nourish your business and not gauge it.

Questions to ask yourself before you make an investment in your business:

  1. Am I financially secure enough to be confident making this investment?

  2. Is my business grown-up enough to be stable with it’s who, what and why?

  3. Will this investment help me better serve my clients?

  4. Will I see a return of investment?

  5. Will this allow me to do my job better and live my life more completely?

I always ask my clients if they’re ready for branding or a rebrand. It’s not only a big financial decision, but a huge decision for your business. Because of the strategy and decision-making involved, it is important that you have a stable grasp on what you are selling, who you are selling to and why you are selling. This can change so much in the span of a couple of years.

That being said when you’re ready for it, good design is worth the price tag. It helps clients to resonate with you and leads to trustworthy connection. And when you’re ready, I’ll be here to be your brand’s cheerleader. Till then, here are some resources to hold you over.

Etsy & Creative Market

Both of these are home to pre-made logos that you can utilize.

VIP Intensive

I offer my services on a day-to-day basis. Designer for a Day does not go fully in depth with your brand and should not be used as a replacement for branding. However, if you are new and on a budget, it’s an awesome way to still work with me and get a logo.


Keeping Design Green in Production


Ways Strategic Branding Can Change Your Business